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Frequently Asked Questions


Hopefully the following frequently asked questions can assist you. If not chat to our online Paralegal or in the alternative call us on freecall 1300 557 819. Thank You








What are you Fees and Charges?

Generally our fees are well in line and competitive with other lawfirms. That is, competitive with lawfirms which have experience and set out to win. We also provide flat and capped fee arrangements and are always happy to attempt to match fees for those who are price conscious. However, we are also honest. So, if you come to us with a fee which will not allow us to complete your matter to our high standards or success we will tell you and explain exactly why our price differs see OUR COSTS .


First Interview Free and Discounted Fees ?

Yes. We always provide our first interview free (with some minor exceptions such as an urgent complex matter which requires immediate substantial work). We do so as we believe when engaging us you need to be confident that we are all that we say that we are. We love first interviews as we can often add value to your matter straight away and demonstrate our enthusiam and confidence in our creed "If you care about people you fight hard to win".


Do I need an additional Barrister ?

​We appear at Hearings in all matters from small matters to very complex litigation. All of our lawyers have experience in courts from the Local Court to the Supreme Court and our Principal has experience in the High Court of Australia. Generally, no an external barrister is not required. However, from time to time a second opinion is of assistance or a client will ask for Counsel to be instructed external to the Firm. If that is the case we have a great professional relationship with a stable of Barristers from Junior to Senior all of whom are as enthusiastic as we are to provide successful cost effective solutions to your issue.


What do I need to pay up front ?

Depending on the matter we may ask you for some funds to be paid into our Trust account. In other matters we will not require fees until completion of your matter and we carry the burden of the costs. You will need to discuss your particular matter with us before we can determine whether we require funds in trust.


Do you do "No win no Fee"?

No. Generally our observation of the practice of "No win no fee" is really "no fee no (or very little) work". We are a very busy and successful law practice and while we really try hard to make matters as cost effective as possible we do not do no win no fee matters.


Who will do the work on my matter?
Each matter is allocated a lawyer to have day to day carriage of by our Principal Michael Vassili. He will allocate the best person in the practice for your particular matter. All matters, however are conducted by our Principal Michael Vassili who will direct evaluate and be responsible for the matter. We work as a team so your matter will be discussed at our matter meetings and all lawyers will have input into it. We find that this system runs extremely well and provides the best outcomes for our clients.
Can you Guarantee Successs ?
No one can guarantee outcomes in the legal system. Anyone who is guaranteeing a particular outcome you should be cautious of. What we do is have a considered look at your matter and provide you with our expert opinion as to prospects of success. We provide you with considered advice as to the range of likely outcomes and the best way, in our opion, to achieve your optimum outcome. In some cases we lose clients as others have "talked up" the prospects only to have those clients return appreciating the accuracy and honesty of our advice and engaging us to conduct the appeal. Please be cautious of promised of outcomes as it is usually an indication that you are not being properly advised.
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